Vitamin C Benefits

Vitamin C Benefits

Vitamin C is a nutrient that the body needs to form blood vessels, cartilage, muscle and collagen in the bones. Vitamin C is essential for healthy living, which is why Aesthetic & Wellness invites you to read about its benefits.

Vitamin C, also known as L-ascorbic acid. It is a water-soluble vitamin, which means it dissolves in water. While fat – soluble vitamins (vitamins A, D, E and K) are dissolved in fats and stored in fatty tissue, water – soluble vitamins are carried to the body’s tissues but they cannot be stored. Any excess water-soluble vitamins will simply pass through the urine.

Aesthetic & Wellness Clinic believes in the importance of spreading awareness about actual health research topics, and the importance of helping you to achieve a healthy lifestyle. Stay with us and discover some interesting facts about this essential vitamin.

  • Fruits and vegetables contain a certain amount of vitamin C, with the highest levels of this vitamin being:



  • Citrus: mainly oranges and grapefruits.
  • Berries: strawberries, raspberries, blackberries,  blueberries and kiwifruit.
  • Tropical and exotic: pineapple, papaya and mangoes.
  • Melons: watermelon, honeydew melon and cantaloupe.
  • Nightshades (also known as Solanaceae): tomatoes and peppers.
  • Flower vegetables: cauliflower, broccoli.
  • Leafy vegetables: brussels sprouts, cabbage, chards and spinach.
  • Root vegetables: turnip.

Vitamin C is easily destroyed by heat, that’s why it’s best food sources are fruits and vegetables uncooked.

  • Vitamin C – fortified foods

    In the grocery store, it is common to find foods rich in vitamins and minerals. Read the labels of the products you buy to see if they contain added vitamin C.

  • Supplements

    Vitamin C is also available as an oral or intravenous supplement. By intravenous infusion, the concentration of this vitamin in the blood is higher than taken by mouth. At Aesthetic & Wellness Clinic, we offer two types of supplements, please check with us for the quantity and ideal supplement according to your needs.

Medical and nutritional research has examined the various health benefits of vitamin C intake, which promotes normal functioning of the nervous, bone, and immune systems. In the same way, this vitamin plays an essential role in the growth, maintenance and repair of tissues. Among other benefits, the following can be highlighted:

  • Vitamin C is an antioxidant, whose main function is to protect cells from damage caused by free radicals. Free radicals are unstable molecules with unpaired electrons. They rob other cells of electrons, causing illness and aging. In medicine, the beneficial effects of vitamin C have been evidenced in the prevention of cancer, neurodegenerative and cardiovascular disease. These pathologies have an oxidative component in their origin (a process that produces large amounts of uncontrolled free radicals).
  • The human body needs vitamin C to synthesize collagen. Collagen is a protein that slows aging, allows the tissue growth and repair and it is necessary to keep skin tissues, joints, and blood vessels functioning properly. After wounding, the consumption of vitamin C aids in the appropriate healing and tissue repair processes.
  • Vitamin C assists in the formation of collagen, it is considered as an anti-aging. 
  • Vitamin C facilitates iron absorption in the body, which is an essential element for red blood cell production. When the number of  red blood cells decreases anemia occurs. Taking into account this relationship, it has been shown that vitamin C intake is vital in reducing the incidence and severity of anemia.

Vitamin C deficiency can cause some of these signs and symptoms:

  • Fatigue, weakness, and irritability.
  • Dry, damaged, rough and bumpy skin.
  • Red, swollen, bleeding gums.
  • Teeth can fall out due to weak dentin and unhealthy gums.
  • Gingivitis.
  • Nasal bleeding.
  • Poor immunity and a higher risk of infection.
  • Wounds may take longer to heal.
  • Easy bruising caused by weak blood vessels.
  • Painful and swollen joints.
  • Dry and brittle hair with split ends.
  • Slow metabolism

When reviewing the benefits of consuming vitamin C, certain conditions can be prevented. Given the importance of this vitamin, it is important to investigate some of the diseases associated with low levels of vitamin C in the body.

  • Scurvy 

Scurvy is a disease resulting from a lack of vitamin C. This disease can lead to anemia, bleeding in the eyes, nose, gums, into joints and under the skin (ecchymosis, petechiae, bruises). Over time, teeth can loosen and fall out. The wounds may be difficult to heal and can open easily. Scurvy is frequent in elderly and malnourished people regardless of age. It is uncommon in babies because breast milk is a rich source of vitamin C. Scurvy in children severely affects bone growth.


  • Cancer

Numerous surveys have concluded that eating foods rich in vitamin C may reduce cancer rates. Since 1976, studies have reported that the use of high-dose intravenous vitamin C is beneficial because of its pro-oxidative effects that affect tumor cells. In patients with stage 1 or 2 cancer, high intake of vitamin C improves quality of life by reducing the symptoms and side effects of chemotherapy. In the relationship between vitamin C and cancer, it has been found :

  • Consumption of vitamin C reduces mortality associated with the development of breast cancer by 20%.
  • High-dose intravenous vitamin C as an adjunct to different anticancer therapies reduces the risk of liver cancer progression.
  • Among patients with advanced pancreatic cancer who received chemotherapy and vitamin C, the disease did not progress for an average of 6 months.
  • Medical research is continuing to link intravenous vitamin C on its own and in combination with other medications or treatments in cancer patients.


  • Cardiovascular diseases

Research evidence suggests that vitamin C in its antioxidant role aids protecting arteries from damage and reduces the risk of hypertension.


  • Arthritis and Osteoarthritis

Vitamin C is essential to boost the natural production of collagen. Collagen is the major insoluble fibrous protein in the extracellular matrix and in connective tissue such as cartilage. There are multiple variables like free radicals that can destroy the cartilage tissue generating pressure on the bones and joints. Consuming vitamin C can limit the harmful effects of these diseases.


  • Age-related eye diseases

Studies indicate that the cooperative interaction of vitamin C along with other antioxidants, vitamin E and beta – carotene help protect the eyes against cataracts and macular degeneration. Both eye conditions are the leading causes of blindness in older adults. It has been shown that the consumption of vitamin C and some other nutrients can slow the progression of macular degeneration.

  • Common cold

Vitamin C has been studied for many years as a possible treatment for colds, or as a way to help prevent them. But findings have shown that supplementation with vitamin C in large doses daily does not appear to prevent colds, although it helps reduce the duration and intensity of symptoms.

People who are more prone to vitamin C deficiency and need to increase their intake are:

  • Babies fed with boiled cow’s milk are susceptible because it has small amounts of vitamin C which is destroyed by heat. Breast milk naturally contains vitamin C and all the nutrients your baby needs to grow and develop. Formula milk also contains this vitamin.
  • People who smoke and are exposed to secondhand smoke have reduced levels of vitamin C because vitamin C is needed to repair damage caused by free radicals.
  • People with conditions such as gastrointestinal disease, malabsorption, certain types of cancer, and certain kidney diseases need vitamin C.
  • People with limited food variety, especially those whose diets typically do not include fruits and/or vegetables, are also deficient.

It is not only people who may be at risk of vitamin C deficiencies who are recommended for its consumption. Because it is essential for health and for its many benefits, the consumption of vitamin C is recommended for all people, especially:

  • Women who are pregnant or lactating.
  • Patients recovering from surgery.
  • Patients with severe burns.

Talk with your healthcare provider to find the right amount of vitamin C for you according to your needs.

Ask us what is the best amount of vitamin C for you. The recommended amounts of vitamins depend on your specific characteristics, such as age, gender, and health. Vitamin C supplements may also interact with certain medications and treatments, that’s why it is important to check with a healthcare professional before taking a supplement.

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